
By itcouldbelove


currently, my job is being a substitute teacher at three preschools. well, they haven't called me all this week... therefore, i've been bored AND had a lot of time on my hands, so i decided to get crafty (again.) i know valentine's day isn't for 10 more days, but... i thought of this and thought they would be fun.

the penguin card is for my friend nikki who lives across the country with her boyfriend. the pickle card is for three of my friends who live together in a house at the college i just graduated from.

i ADORE the pickle card. the penguins look kind of deranged & angry, but the pickles are PERFECT. perfect pickles! i love pickles. they taste so good. :) i've written the word "pickles" so many times today that it's starting to look funny. have you ever had that happen with a word?

ANYWAY. the red hearts in front of the cards have messages on the other side that i wrote to my friends. the cards were so nicely done (*i* thought, haha) that i didn't want to ruin them by writing a long message inside. so instead i wrote the messages on construction paper hearts and slipped them inside the cards. i think it's fun!

what do you think of my craft?

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