Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Firkas Fort

Took an early morning walk down town to get to Firkas Fort at Chania's old Venetian harbour since its opening hours are till  11.00 am and I wanted to get some classical tourtistical pics from there. The fort was built by the Venetians and later on confiscated by the Turks/Ottomans ~  always in use as a fortress and a prison for the enemies.
When I got to Chania in 1977, this fort was used as Open Air Theatre and my first eve in Chania was spent here watching the classic play " Aretousa"  written by Vinzensos Kornaros = a contempory of Shakespeare on Crete and poet alike. The play Aretousa is like Romeo & Juliette ~  eversince then I suppose that it was written in the stars that two great poets living so far apart and not being familiar with one another's life and works... and not having the means of public communication like we have nowadays. that they in about the same era. wrote works alike.

Decades ago Firkas Fort was open all hours of the day and then I did get some dear pix from there with my kids in and had that on the wall in Holland.... longing back for here.

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