Another new house day!

We didn’t get the set of jobs finished today so I haven’t got the blip I intended !! We are going back tomorrow to finish off so I’ll get the chance then.

The second ‘tulip’ block is now finished. It is interesting to see how the different materials and colours alters the perspective!!

I’ve introduced a new material in the left block, the blue / yellow/ little flowers one, as I may run short of the original set. The quilt is supposed to have 12 blocks, but this just makes a single size and I want a king size. So this requires 25 blocks!!! That’s why I’m doubling up of most of the designs and doing things at home, to keep up....get ahead!!!

A slightly cooler day today, much more comfortable. We had a few spots of rain last night, spots it was.....they didn’t join up and the patio was dry in a few minutes :0(

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