
By CharlotteJ

the early bird!

I was wide awake at 5:30. By 6:30 I had two loads of washing done!!  by 7:30 I was out the door and on my way to food shop ad post office.  By 9am I was back home!!  Tuesdays are my 'day off'.  In between emails (work), stuff for dad,  I have actually achieved a first top coat on the stairs.

Tomorrow is an early 5am start as I am in the office (2 hours one way travel time) and have a meeting at 8am.  its going to be a busy day tomorrow.

BT called re our 'cut off' from their high speed fibre and they have finally admitted they were wrong (after a complaint made to their CEO office) but we still do not have our fibre connection reinstated.....we hope tomorrow for a resolution.

And the window drama continues....I have at 8pm just received a text message from the window Ops Director asking if his office have called me....erm no they haven't!!  Told the Ops Director that communication is poor from his company  and they cant simply expect me to be home waiting for them to decide they can finish off a job that was meant to be finished in March of this year!!  He told me his guys will be with my next Tuesday at 9:30....seeing as they have never arrived on time or on the day agreed I told him I will expect to see his guys at 11am!!  He didn't like that!!  ooopss, I think I upset him....I don't care!!  I still haven't paid them in full, so lets see what happens!!

Anyhoo, nighty night all

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