the colour green

By jukeys

chill out

I took Marius to crèche this morning whilst Pierre, Yannick, and Daniel loaded the lorry. Dad came round to help too and had arrived by the time I got back from leaving Marius off.

He told me that Sarah had been on the phone to say that her and her friends from summer scheme would be passing in a coach around 10am, on their way to the lake at Cornillac. She wanted dad and I to stand at the tunnel around that time so we could wave at her on the bus :) So we did! Apparently she was absolutely delighted!!! She even phoned dad tonight to say how much she’d loved it that we’d stood there waiting for her and waved at her on her way past. So class.

Pierre and Daniel left to go to Laragne with the lorry around 10.30am. I got stuck into paperwork and got lots of stuff filed. It took me hours. By the time I was finished, my eyes were so tired and I was boiling hot. I decided to go down for a dip in the river. I met our neighbour’s daughter, Cassandra, on the way down and said to her to come and join me. We had a laugh in the water - which is still really fast-flowing. I can’t believe it! It’s so clear and clean and was actually pretty hot today! Normally the water is still quite cold despite the boiling air temperature, but it felt soooo warm today.

We had dinner on the terrace tonight when Pierre got back from Laragne. I spotted a family of sangliers passing on the hill opposite our house. Such a pity I don’t have binoculars.

When we move it’ll not be the same. No spontaneous trips to the river. No sanglier sightings. I wonder what our evenings will be like in Marseille?

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