Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Leaves Dancing In the Light

In a world of strong opinions on everything - be it politics, religion, or the personal lives of everybody - I like to remind myself that the world is not one-sided, not clear, not definite, not boring, but fuzzy, confusing, and incredibly multifaceted beauty. I prefer questions and curiosity to a false sense of certainty and clarity.
I suspect this is one of the reasons why I love experimental photography. It is often blurry, fuzzy and reflects, better than any "perfect" photograph, the way I see the world. When I see something, it might remind me of something else, I might see it in slow motion, as if the individual images added to one another. Sometimes, one detail attracts all my attention, while other things disappear into the purgatory of bokeh. 
There is unlimited beauty in the different, in difference, in differing. Without this tension, there would be no need to dance, no need for what theology calls perichoresis.

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