IsamBIRD Kingdom BrunOWL!

Paddington Station, London

(For more info on the owl statue itself, see link in my previous owl blip:

Despite a rude 5am awakening by a mystery phone call, which went dead upon answering, I managed to finish my packing this morning with 2 mins to spare before leaving home for my first train of the day. Having navigated myself across London, I’m now on my fourth and final train of the day, on my way to Ely, and taking advantage of the free WiFi. (Please excuse any typos, this is the wobbliest bobbliest train ever!)

Arriving at Kings Cross, I just had time to buy a ginormous cheese straw for my lunch from the food market outside the station. I asked the girl on the market stall if she had anything gluten free, no. So I said I’d have a cheese straw and suffer, to which she replied, “Well if you’re going to die, at least you’ve chosen a very tasty way to go!”

So a very early blip for me, but at least it means I can actually post a photo today. If anything exciting should happen between now and midnight, I’ll let you know!

PS Have just amended the title of yesterday’s blip, I muddled up my pet snail and squirrel names!

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