Bus blips.

Sussex Downs looking a bit parched.

I went to the Towner Art Gallery to see the current exhibitions, at least the free ones. They tend to be a bit bizarre. One was a (very) short film, just a few minutes, of what appeared to be someone up in a hot air balloon holding out a plastic bag and filling it with air.  The leaflet accompanying the events said:

"Tacita Dean's "A Bag of Air" (1995) opens with the shadow of a hot air balloon moving over a rural landscape. As the film unfolds Dean recites what seems to be an alchemical recipe for collecting a bag of air ' so intoxicated with the essence of spring that when it is distilled and prepared, it will produce an oil of gold, remedy enough to heal all ailments".

Is it just me? Have I no soul? Or is that a load of twaddle?

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