Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1363. AYWMC Homework....

Well I've never done any stop motion photography ever before so this week's homework for the AYWMC course was a huge challenge!  So, I set up my camera on the tripod in the kitchen and looked at the settings on the camera itself...and sat with my phone to as a stop watch to count the 30 second intervals and off it went all on its' own!

I sat at the table and drew a simple picture of my other camera with my fountain pen and made sure that my hands were clear of the image before the camera took another shot....I managed 20 shots and although they're not particularly awe inspiring at least I had a go and I now have a 20 second video of me doing this drawing.....so a result of sorts!  I am now trying to upload the photos to Photoshop to make a collage of them ready to upload on to the Facebook page for the course.

Thank you to everyone who made such nice comments on the photo of my Mom that I posted yesterday...it was very kind of you all.....

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