Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Skyfall !

Quite an emotional mass this morning with the girls.

We were read excerpts from Seigfreid Sassoon diaries, and other accounts of the Somme. My grandfather (whom I have never met) survived the Somme - and I've always been interested in accounts of it .Also a we have a plaque on the wall which pays tribute to 10 local men who died in WW1. I've only ever paid a passing notice to it. But today- a relative of one of the men listed, gave a brief history of these men - where they were born, lived, worked and died. It was very emotional. It may be almost 100 years ago, but he made it seem very personal.

No 2 had a string group rehearsal after (they are playing next week) and now they have a drummer to join their merry band, it sounds great!

Party (another one) for No 3 at a nearby gym. No 1 came along as she had been to parties there when she was younger. She remarked how much smaller it looked now, and she wasn't able to hang off the rings upside down like she used to.

They did ask me to go on the trampoline - but after giving birth to 3 lovely daughters - I may disgrace myself !

Back home. May take the big girls to the movies....any suggestions?? (clue in the title ! haha)

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