
By Wooly2012

Crafting experience day

I went to Warberton today for a crafting experience day, I made a fabric box, I might blip that actually on a slow day!!
I made this, an envelope/bag scrap card. This was using the inside of envelopes... bet you cant guess which mobile phone bill sends theirs with an orange inside... lol It really is Orange, and I love orange :)
I made a parchment card but noticed I missed a bit so will have a quick tidy up with it tonight.
I made 3 felt hearts that link together with buttons. I wish I had some lavender with me, it would have been brilliant if I could have added that too.
I also iced a Christmas cake plaque.

Brilliant day, 10-3 cheese ploughmans lunch, 3 coffees throughout the day all for £5.00 totally fantastic value.

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