All The Eights

The reminder popped up earlier in the week that my eight year anniversary was coming up so today I headed up town to look for eights in the city centre for a composite image to mark the occasion. In the end I was pleased with the selection I managed to find - wonder if other blips can work out where they all are.
Another year of blipping. Thanks as ever to the fab four and everyone else who helps to keep the site running smoothly. Thanks to to my fellow blippers whose blips inspire, inform and sometimes just make me say, 'wow!' Pleasing that a couple of people I introduced to blip last year have both just passed their first anniversary Blipdays - RobBris50 and RealSandee both seem to have well and truly caught the blip bug!

What about the highlights of the year? There seem so many looking back through a year of blips!

A year ago we were just setting off on holiday, following the Indigo Girls tour across England.
In August we visited the Ferry, I went to Dunbar for the day and then got creative down on the beach. The Big Beach Busk was at the end of the month and then it was straight into the Art Walk.
At the end of September I took a trip across to Dunfermline to watch United. The performance that day gave cause for optimism that wasn't justified as the season petered out with them stuck in the Championship for another season. But it was one of several football blips through the season.
We seem to have been to more concerts lately, and I have blipped some of them. like The Pretenders in October.
I have blipped number of my photography jobs, like this one in the National Museum. Also took a good portrait of my Dad for his birthday.
Went to see Wind Resistance in November, which was brilliant.
In December I photographed S shaving her head for charity and also met a couple of ex-college friends. First of several blips of former fellow photography students.
In January I was working at a Burns Supper.
And in February at a Tea Dance.
Obviously I have taken lots of pictures of Portobello, in all weathers!
L's new band have been gigging.
And she has a new headshot.
Norway Day was colourful in May.
And we made a movie!
Meadows Football remembered in June.
And Bellfield is Back!
We went on holiday at the start of the month.
And I met some friends on the Trump demo.

Just a flavour of the year, captured in blips. Maybe I should think about making some yearbooks?

Now, having done this, I realise it's a day out - last year's blipday was the 19th. I must have missed a day somewhere. I'll need to check back...

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