The story so far...



Today was Remembrance Sunday. We went to church, which was far more packed then usual and cam decided to use the 2 minutes silence to test out how well the church echoed whilst he chit chatted away. Apparently the acoustics are great and the little monkey took this as a sign that more screeching was a good things in between sessions of trying to gnaw on the pew in front!
After it was of the swimming which cam tried his hardest to enjoy but his rumbling belly was for to distracting and he spent the lesson crying for food in between his under water swims.
Nanny and grandad popped over in the afternoon and were kind enough to bring dinner with them. They dote on little cam and it is lovely to see how he his starting to recognise other people apart from mummy and daddy, he even had a giggle fit in front of them!
Remembrance Day is about remembering those who have passed for us but I think it is also about appreciating what and who you have x

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