
By CanCarrier

Wild flowers

I have done a shed load of house work and the place is still untidy and needing vacuumed. 

I have not been sleeping very well because of the 'heat wave'. Usually in Edinburgh we count a nice warm day as being one where the temperature was over 18 degrees C between two and four in the afternoon. The fact that it was about 5 degrees at 7am and back to 5 degrees by 9pm does not detract from this. 

For the  last couple of weeks it has still been over 20 degrees at 10pm, I have been sleeping under a sheet with no duvet and I am still too hot. 

However, last night I got a good night's sleep and I woke bright and early ready to get some stuff done. 

The glass been recycled, I dropped off a bag at the charity shop and the washing basket is empty. I even made the effort to have a walk round Parliament to see how the wild flowers are doing. 

They are gorgeous.

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