So I did my blip early yesterday so just to update from after I'd signed off

Shaylan, my niece, qualified got the under 16's Junior handling comp from Richmond and Saturday was the finals at earles court! She's only 11! And she got through out of 18 to the last 6! And then she came 5th overall! And the MORE4 documentary continued to film her - she was the youngest thro and 5th best in the country! So proud
Melody wasn't asleep by 7.30 like we wanted as I feed her to sleep - I've never gone out and left her for mike to get to sleep - but it was fine, she dozed off on the sofa with him at 9!
I had great night out with Emma Sara Sam Tina Claire - had keyrings done, did shots, danced to cypus hill and in at 2 - quite restrained!
Today I took melody to the park and shop and dad carried on with bathroom - home for lunch and nap then out to see grandad and had maccy D's - mike hates it but relented for a change - they are bad.. But tasty! Melody had chicken chips and water - not terrible but I felt a bit bad.
Speaking to Dan a lot by text today as Jed and Mand having some probs :(
Melody seems to be so physical, she loves to run, balance, climb and jump off things! I don't know if this is something she's like or all toddlers are like, only having one makes it hard to tell if traits are an age thing or a melody thing!
She's saying more words too - old macdonalds e I e I o is cute - but toast, coat, up, down and monkey noise are the newest editions :)

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