Happy Daze

By Dazed

NOT a good day to fly to Birmingham

Time of flight: 9.20am

Time of arrival: 4.30pm

Arrive at airport at 7.55am. Get on the plane. Sit on the plane for two and a half hours. Get off the plane. Sit in airport for an hour and a half. Get back on the plane. Sit on the tarmac for an hour. Taxi to runway along with lots of other planes, this takes about 45 mins. Get to runway, wings have iced over. Taxi back to terminal. Sit on plane for another hour and a half while wings are de-iced. Taxi back to runway. Then...take-off! Arrive at NEC unable to basically communicate with colleagues or customers. Get back to hotel at 9pm, fall face first onto the bed.

The End.

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