Soooo ... dance

These are my very used and worn out ballet shoes that I use for Zumba. I just washed them out today and they are drying. But today they are going to tell a story. So let me start with I have a hard time hearing God’s small gentle voice because there is always so much going on in my head. I have a very busy chatty distracted mind ... working on that. About a year ago I was hearing the word “dance” in my head, like someone or something was telling me to dance. I thought that sounds so freeing. Should I just put on some music and dance? Well being me I let it go and was just getting on with my life, but the word “dance” kept haunting me.
I am blessed to have two homes, one in Pennsylvania and one in Florida. Being newly retired I was able to skip the cold winter in Philly and head south. Spending more time in my Florida home gave me the chance to get to meet more people and find things to do in the community. That’s where I found Zumba classes, amongst other things fun to do. I was the only one in my class who couldn’t do Zumba in sneakers, I kept tripping over my shoes so I started to dance in bare feet. To not long-wind this story anymore then I already have ballet shoes became my go to. Very close to wearing no shoes at all, and the bottoms of my feet weren’t black from dirt on the floor. After taking classes for over a few months and continuing them in the privacy of my home in Philly it clicked in my head the “dance” message. Only took a year, yes very me, slow learned, to hear how God was trying to help me make some much needed changes in my life. I was going down a not so good path in the eating and exercise department. I was eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and not exercising and with that came weight gain, and a very unhealthy life style. I now felt it was time to share my story. I watch what I eat now counting calories (never realize how much I was consuming) and I walk on the days I don’t dance. I eat what I want I just watch how much. Being aware of what I put in my mouth has changed my life, along with moving my body and has made me a healthier eighteen pound lighter Susan. Slow healthy weight loss. Not diet but lifestyle change. I’m humble and grateful, sometimes it brings tears to my eyes. So yes these old worn out dance shoes have a story. You got to be aware of what you are doing and find out what works for you to be a healthier you, it’s kinda important ... and now, when I dance in these shoes, I dance like no one is watching! Thank you God! I got it now :) Always having my back!

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