The Skull In The Wisteria

Actually - it is a young pigeon.
But I can't see it making it as far as its first flight ……….. This used to be its tail (and foot).

The pollen beetles were hard at work - and the greenbottles too.

2 eggs from the chickens again today.
No doubt they will up production now Chicken Lady is home.
Bags' cats are still hiding and refusing to come and speak to me - but they are eating, drinking and using the litter tray so I am not worried about them.

A wee bit of time at the lathe and more time getting the pictures ready for making a book of the Sicilian holiday.

It is now really sticky due to the reasonable temperature and the pouring rain.
Hopefully it will be dry by the morning - I fancy going and doing some fruit picking …… and maybe using some of it to make a flavoured gin or two.

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