Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


This morning I bit the bullet and finally booked a 5 day course on companion animal T touch. I want to become a practitioner in this so have 4 5day training modules to complete plus case studies etc to become qualified. It's expensive and down at Tilly Farm in Bath. So I've got a long way to travel ironically about 500 miles to get here to there. It has to be done. I might have to camp to save expenses. Oh how I wish we could afford a campervan. I'm excited about the course dreading the traveling. I can take my own dog to work on too! Got until 28th of September to work myself up into an anxious mess about it now!!

In the afternoon we moved the sheep onto new "grass" it's a bit longer than the desert they were in. Yoga tonight and it was pouring when we came out. About 2 miles from home and it's dry. I think that that's really unfair. The town doesn't need the rain!

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