
By Juleshki

Hole in one

This digger is not where it's meant to be.
This digger is in the wrong place.

A great deal of rain had resulted in damage to roads and houses, with both being swept away in places.

Our journey into the mountains became even more interesting as we proceeded on foot, climbing rocky outcrops where below us raged the torrents of water which stampeded down the mountain side.

There were one or two hairy moments when as we were crossing Indiana Jones style bridges, made of very wonky old bits of wood, precariously tied together with worn out, frayed bits of rope, with the obligatory gaps to step over, of course, whilst hanging over the ice cold, raging river beneath our feet, which was strewn liberally with boulders of all sizes, tossed there by the brute force of the water, that some of us had the occasional thought of... why didn't we stay back there in the village, in that cafe, where there was the delicious smell of wood smoke from the log fire, mixing tantalisingly with the smell of slow cooking tagines...?

Nah, not nearly half as much fun!

Things to do on a spare afternoon when you happen to find yourself in the Atlas Mountains!

There was later that evening much discussion back at the riad, as we sat upon our roof top terrace. I think we all pretty much agreed... today had more peril in it than you could shake a stick at!

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