There and back again

By Mikes


Its awful out there this morning! Although not too bad down here at our lovely base, up on the moor it was wind driven rain. We are planning to go home this morning as Mrs M has an appointment and tomorrow we have a rather important 8th birthday to attend, so while Mrs M had a tidy round, I took the boy up for his walk.

We had a wonder around Shapley Common as we usually come across some sheep or ponies hunkered down out of the weather and they might make possible blip material but the common appeared empty. However on arrival back at the car the highlanders had arrived and were taking it in turn to wander onto the road and stopping traffic. I even went and turned around and drove back through the mobile road blocks myself to see if I could get some good blips. Having satisfied myself that I had one or two shots in the camera I made my way back to base WHEN just around the corner there was a herd of some 20 ponies all across the road.

I was so excited because since putting up my blips of the pony drift a few weeks ago I had, for one reason of another not seen group as large as this, and certainly not so close up. It was great to know that there was again, a large group back in the area. I am not sure what they were doing here as just around the corner is the moor gate where a cattle grid stops them going any further.

So no highland roadblocks today but the ponies are back

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