I sat outside on the bench in my backyard “aviary” for awhile playing with the Canon and the Sony. I’ve forgotten how to use the Canon… but on manual with the big lens on a tripod it did well. Not worth the heaviness to carry around for me tho. These are the Sony. Easier. Maple (in her birddog stance) will stand for a long time watching the various feeders, (goldfinch at this one now) birdbath and this wee fountain 6 feet away from where I sit with the chickadee cooling its feet. It was lovely.
Tomorrow we take maple home!
Seal update: Saw her by the dock last night at 7PM and then not again, and not this morning either. Encouraging I thought. Took Maple for her walk after a slow start to the morning and then after coffee etc we thought we could row…it almost did us in it was TOO hot (needed a nap later!). Saw 4 sets of mom and pups in our bay .. no extra moms.....but as we came back to the dock (after 12) there she was swimming around the boat! She is looking spry..I can’t believe she is not getting fed. The saga continues. Put her BW picture on my other journal.
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