
By kellynicol61


Another busy day. Headed to the Keady market early this morning. It was super busy and there is so much to see there. The local produce is amazing. Home for a tea and a few minutes to read then Brianna and Brody came over and not long after my stepmom Barb arrived for a visit. We headed out for lunch and had a great visit.
Came back to Kims and spent some more time playing catch up. When everyone headed home Kim and I headed out to a local bakery and then Winners. While,we were in the bakery the monsoon hit! It was teeming down. The car was only a few feet from the door but we were drenched in seconds. Walked into Winners looking like drowned rats, lol. Bought a couple of things then headed home for the night, or so we thought. After the rain the sun was out and I asked if there was a good place to catch the sunset so out we went again. It was a beautiful spot and I took a ton of photos and enjoyed the sky. I am posting all my photos on flickr if you want to go check them out. One extra of the sunset tonight.
Tomorrow is beach day, weather permitting:)

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