
By don_T

Boat Club 140th Anniversary

Saturday was a bit unsettled and very windy, but overall the weather cooperated for the afternoon celebrations. My sweetie had a large role to play being both a past & current president. His board is gathered on the far left for a photo. This clun was established when Canada was 10 years old! 6 boats were christened the usual way with champagne, the 7th was a lovely & meaningful First Nations water ceremony with a copper cup filled with river water, tobacco, recitations, drums and incense/sage burning. It was so much more meaningful. This particular boat was named after the First Nations that this land is on. Our girlfriend A from Vancouver came and kept me company (& bought me lunch). It was a lovely day, and the evening was spent prepping for the main event tomorrow (my sweetie's party). We are collecting our eldest from the airport ar 6:30 a.m. - YAY!

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