
Thank you for visiting my blipworld again, lovely to see you visiting here! Sorry about a lake shot again. Somehow the element is nice though. 

Today a reharsal of shooting the blood moon of the coming friday. 
Maybe the best place to see it, but the location is a bit dull... I will try to find another place...

Hot day, +31c. I made a bicycle trip (some 12.5km), then some household jobs. In the evening I visited my friend. There was very hot in her apartment, I guess far over +30c, I can not understand how she manages. Actually she was arranging heavily darkening curtains onto her windows, even is he hates any curtains, so maybe the heat has assured her into action. 

+26c indoor in our home. After sunset it is tempting to sleep outdoors in the garden. And I maybe do so.

Weather forecast is telling the heat will stay for week or two even. In august nights are slowly getting cooler anyway. Or atleast in september, if the heat bubble will stay...

Water in lakes is not too refreshing anymore, but I still went for my evening swim. Nice. Soft warm night (at 22.30 still some 25c) and water almost as warm as air. A lot of people still in water.


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