Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

Oh brother...

Today has been SUCH a good day.

The morning was very relaxed, even got a bit of a lie-in before heading to the hairdressers. Got to have curly hair for the first time ever. Probs got a tad over excited. Then back to the house to eat breakfast, get ready, have photos taken and help get the bride into the dress.

Then to the church. Such a good service. Then a big photo of everyone followed by cake upstairs. I missed the cutting of the cake though due to a nose bleed. Well timed Pip. The cake bit was lovely. Got to chat with the fam and some others, plus had a little cuddle with Sophie-Rose too.

Then on to the reception venue for some more drinks and photos, and then FOOD! Duck pancakes, lamb shanks and a trio of chocolate desserts. YUM.

Then had speeches - obvs - and all were very good. Then it was time for the ceilidh. We did one hilarious dance with the married couple in the middle of the dance floor. Comical.

After the departure of Mr & Mrs Elliott my dad went round collecting any forgotten toblerones (!) before we went home. Such a good day but boy am I knackered!

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