My First Leading Man!
I couldn't believe my eyes. This is Felix, the first person who spoke to Jack and me at Mary's Spiritual Shindig. He said, "I know you, you taught me," Well Jack did, I didn't. But I did cast him, a sixth former, as my leading man when, in a moment of madness in my first year of teaching, I agreed to direct the upper school play.
We were all so excited at meeting up after 28 years. The teacher/student secrets tumbled out....we learned that Jack's nickname was "Red Ken"....he didn't know that. That he gave a message to all six formers at an assembly..."I don't care who you vote for...just (bleep) vote....always." And many others. Felix is now a music teacher so our school's teachers didn't put him off!
I apologise for this being a little cheat but I wanted to include this separately and not to make it part of Mary's day.
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