The Musical Swings

Today's morning outing with our visiting grandsons was a trip up to nearby Green Mountain Falls to visit an art installation called The Musical Swings. Each of the 12 swings activates a different note, so depending on how fast each swing is going different musical compositions are created. It makes a lovely wind chime sound. The installation was placed in a park with a playground and fishing pond with ducks and geese, so it was a great destination. 
After lunch it started to rain, so we went to the headquarters of Focus on the Family and let the boys run off steam in the indoor kids play area, which includes a three story slide that winds down the outside of the building. We finished up with a visit to Michael Garman's Magic Town, which is a miniature town made up of exquisite sculptures, and fine detail, and "magical" appearances of moving holograms. To help the customers see all the details, we are given a list of things to look for and promised a prize if we succeed. And we got our prizes - candy and a souvenir post card!

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