Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Mini Muncher


I was trying to get a nice picture of Kirk and Magic together but Kirk was being a grumpy little man.

The mini munchers got brought in for the fireworks, its so nice to have rabbits running around the house, we really miss Zara its just so empty with out her.

I was a little worried at first about Magic being out as she is so little (big difference between the size of a giant and a nethie), but she is a bossy little miss and has no trouble chasing off the cats :D

Kirk has discovered climbing and so far has been on top of Mr Mouses gameboard, Mr Mouses desk and discovered that he can clamber up and behind all the games consoles (so much for blocking off the gaps at ground level!).

Mr Mouse has declared that the mini munchers are now inside the house for the winter, makes it easier for me to feed them in the morning but also means that we (Mr Mouse) can sort out the bunnie enclosure before the spring - they are getting an extension :)

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