Cuff Links

I was shooting the bits and pieces that I have bought from our favourite silversmith in Pittenweem this morning.

It is a nice little collection we are building up - 5 picture pendants, 3 necklaces, 3 pairs of earrings, 3 pairs of cufflinks, 2 drinking vessels, 2 spoons and a tiara.

The man costs me a fortune!!!!!

In the 'other' house - Bags is okay, LML is barking like a dog, the Cygnet is getting better and so-in-law has been in bed all day.

In our house SWMBO is feeling as rough as a badgers bum and I have had a headache and rough throat all day.
A trip to the blood pressure clinic resulted in an "oh that is quite high .... come back in 2 weeks" (of course it is high - you are using one of those damned electronic machines that pumps up so hard your fingers turn blue and make your eyes pop out and always reads high).
On a brighter note ............. I have lost 3 kg.

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