In memory of Isla

Our friends' beautiful niece Isla died two weeks ago from cancer. She was only 6. Whilst she was ill her amazing parents set up #islastones as a way of occupying her, taking her mind off things and to raise awareness of childhood cancer. You decorate a stone, then hide it somewhere and post clues if you want to. The finder takes a photo, posts it on the Facebook page and then re-hides it for someone else to find. The group now has 72,000 followers all over the world.

Isla was a beautiful smiley little girl, who even through her illness always had a smile. Following her death the people of Hinckley brought decorated stones to the band stand in the park along with balloons and toys in her memory.

Today was her funeral, followed by a celebration of her life at the park. It was packed. Everyone was asked to choose and take home stones to re-hide to keep her memory alive.

It was quite overwhelming to see the bandstand today and lovely to hear all the memories of Isla being read out.

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