New Garden Inhabitant
Popped out to get some water and almost ran over this little fellow a couple of kms from the house. I say fellow, but I have no idea whether it is male or female. It was in the middle of the road, just asking to be squished. I have seen quite a few sad road accidents involving these recently. The dry weather must be forcing them to wander for food or water. We have an ‘unkempt’ area in our garden (euphemism for still very overgrown and weedy), but it is full of wildlife. So, on a whim, and in order to try and avoid seeing yet another hedgehog pancake on the road, I brought it home and released it in our jungle. I did not expect to ever see it again, as they do travel distances. Still imagine my surprise when it appeared at dusk, foraging under the walnut tree. So, lets see how long it stays. It is quite young, so may be looking for a new territory having left the family group. I shall give it a gender neutral name. Tiggs.
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