
By ChezRobz

Changing time

Considering Noah HATED being naked or having a nappy changed just a few weeks back - he certainly doesn't object anymore. I was just grabbing some wet wipes from the undercot drawer when I looked up to see little naked feet doing a celebratory "I'm FREEEEEEE" dance. Couldn't resist taking a photo. Been contemplating giving him "naked time" on a towel - think it might be the right time!

Oli went away today for a boys night out with old friends from Birmingham. Nanny came to keep us entertained and we went shopping to McArthur Glen and started *whispers* christmas shopping. I LOATHE the idea of christmas before December but my wage has now dropped to SMP so I must start spreading the cost out. I'm not very inspired when it comes to gifts. Can't wait for Noah to see the lights though!

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