Linton Gardening Club

I had been asked if I would go along with the long-standing photographic section judge for the Linton Gardening Club annual show with a view to taking it on for future events...

Today was the day and with vivid memories of a certain episode of 'All Creatures Great and Small' in my mind I went off to do the deed...

Well, I needn't have worried, everyone was very friendly and after the judging we (Margaret came with me) were treated to a lovely lunch.

Despite the recent parching weather there were lots of exhibits and I did photograph some of them... The above exhibit was quite compelling and I have to admit, I found it a little disturbing...

Later in the afternoon we went for a walk around the RSPB Reserve at Fowlmere where I saw this (extra) CLASS Lexion 770 cutting oats, getting on very well despite last evenings storms...

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