Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Ardfern marina

Bit of a lie in after last night but not much. Managed to get the beer bottles filled with cleaning solution before we headed off to Oban. J was due to swim the Corryvreckan whirlpool this afternoon. Decided to go via Stirling and Callander which turned out to be the wrong was due to traffic. Arrived on time and while J went for her swim Kilda and I went for a nice walk around Ardfern. Kilda had a nice swim in the marina and we headed back to meet J. Seems the tides weren’t that easy to predict and the skipper put them in too early so the 1.2k swim turned into a 2.8k hard slog. They all managed it and seemed to enjoy it even though it was hard work. Time was getting on so we didn’t stay for dinner and headed home, pick up some none too great chips on the way. Long days driving.

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