Date harvesting

Walking to the club early this morning I saw they were picking the dates and generally tidying up. I’ve noticed people around Kuwait starting to pick the dates in the last week or two. It’d be about 40 degrees at this time, but the workers are in standard uniforms, covered body in an Islamic country, with head covering which I suspect might be wet to keep them cool. It got to 48 today, officially.

I’ve got a trainer at the gym for the next four weeks. She did my induction a year ago and I like working with her so it seemed a good idea to ask her. I want to learn how to use more equipment to make it more interesting.

A change at work today, so I’ve offered to take an extra class for three weeks. It’s an extra 10 hours of teaching but the benefit is more than financial...

I was glad to get home to rest tonight for I’ve now got a busy weekend examining.

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