Family Dog

By Family_Dog


Bry's wee snowboarding jaunt up north didn't quite go according to plan.

He arrived home after a pain stricken drive back doon the road (his mate wasn't insured for his car so he had to drive) and insisted he would be fine by the morning, despite looking like he was going to puke from the pain.

After a horrible night's sleep and a big long wait in the hospital he finally got through to a very doomy gloomy doctor who confirmed there was a bone in his hand that had snapped. He was sent on his way with one piece of useful advice 'don't get your plastercast wet'.

Handy. (boom boom).

Anyway - I wanted to get a quick blip in before I went to bed but this is my 2nd attempt. Bry wouldn't let me post the first one because 'my hand looks limp'. I tried to remind him that the reason his hand looked limp was due to the fact that it was broken. He was having none of it - so I blipped a more er, 'manly' looking hand.

Even in the face of hideous deformity, he's still got his pride!

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