The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

In Need Of An Emergency Exorcism

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Explorer, her crew, and her sister Songbird who is visiting from Inverness came over for dinner tonight.

Boots had recently been at a charity auction. No one was bidding on one of the items so Boots, after a couple of shandies, thought he would get things going with an opening bid. This tactic backfired slightly as his bid won and he ended up the proud owner of two tickets for a VIP dinner and to see Van Morrison in concert in Kelvingrove!

How we laughed and both him and The Explorer were less than enthusiastic about going to see Van the Man. We had a few more glasses of wine than we expected and Boots found just the right time to suggest an alternative plan...

So now, I AM GOING IN HIS PLACE. I had no will. The wine demon that had possessed me agreed (enthusiastically) to the plan. They should use this in one of those alcohol awareness adverts. That would definitely make people think twice about over-indulging.


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