Rainbow rodeo.....

Be careful what you wish for ! More rain today,which is welcome as long as it remembers to stop again .
A day of cattle work. Brought another batch of cows and calves down to wean. Shut the cows in one shed and the calves in another for a few days until the roar is off them. This gives the cows a chance to dry off and build up a supply of colostrum ready for their next calves which are due soon.
We were invited to a friend's birthday party this afternoon, but my last spring calving cow decided to start ,so couldn't go. Just as well really as I ended up having to calve her with a wee pull with the calving jack.
A live bull calf ,so fingers crossed it will have the brains to suck by it's self !
Have just watched a TV programme with Ed Balls about Donald Trump. Still think he's a clown, but maybe he's a very clever clown at getting what he wants. One think for sure though, he isn't a polotician by any means !

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