Special wand from the Wizard

This wand is very special, it was chosen by the wizard for Harry my friends son who i went to Universal with. it was a special moment for both of us as I will be bringing this back to the UK.

I aim to make a collage of photos and have them on the landing with possibly other bits I have from my adventure. It will be hard choosing the photos. Although there is one that I will be using but not blipped as hard to choose sometimes.

I had a credit for an acrylic print 60x40cm so I have had a photo I took of Mickey waving at me. It was hard to choose as only had about 30mins to do it, and the programme did not allow me to crop or play around like some programmes. My neighbours have confirmed it has arrived and waiting for my return. Cannot wait to see. I also want to do some other gifts, just hope I have time.

Hope you are all having a good week.

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