Great Room Shenanigans

Sunday 2:39am Email from Jacob A. Bartholomew; Hunter Hall Resident Director:

"It was brought to my attention on Saturday night that someone has found it funny to pile all of the furniture in the Great Room into the middle of the room on top of each other. This behavior is unsafe. Stacking chairs and tables on top of one another could cause injury if one of the items were to fall on someone else. ...If the furniture is not reset back to where it was by 12 noon tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, the building will lose the privilege of using not only the Great Room for the foreseeable future, but the kitchen as well, as I will lock the Great Room, which me to lock the kitchen as well...."

Now, of course as soon as I read this email I had to stroll down and see what he was talking about. Oh, it was even better than I imagined, I'm so glad I was still awake. I wish I could take credit for this. Or I wish I knew who did this. I'd shake their hand. Stay sassy, Hunter Hall.

Unfortunately, some "good samaritan" restored the furniture since he feared losing Great Room priviliges. I would have liked to see Jacob try and ban us from the Great Room.

*Do note Jacob's gramatical errors. Whaddayaa doing Jacob.

"Everything's a story. Stories are what help us make sense of the world."
-The Lookout

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