Back To The Grind

We are back to looking after the monsters all day until the school goes back.
3 weeks!
This face...... what does it say to you?
I think it conveys 3 weeks of hell.
This face managed to cancel a trip out for cake and drinks ……… halfway there.
This face had 2 total meltdowns and did nothing but niggle at his sister before lunchtime - as well as winding up his mother, SWMBO and me.

This face on the other hand, was as happy as Larry and full of fun.

I am glad to say though that things had settled down (more or less) by mid afternoon so we made it out for cake and drinks.

When we were released SWMBO nipped down to the shops to get some bread (for toast in the morning) and something for diner.
Have way round the shop I was suddenly struck by a bit of nausea and lightheadedness.
By the time I got home I was feeling really unwell. 
I sat down, reclined my seat, broke out in a sweat …….. and fell asleep.
An hour later I woke feeling a bit better.

SWMBO fed me (something nice and light) and I am now waiting to see what kind of result it has on me.

Other shots of the faces Start Here

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