Jimmy's Jag
Not really Jimmy's, but click here for some rather punchy car music from the legendary William Orbit.
Anyway, the Audlem Car Fest was a feast. The weather was windy and wet first thing and it tested everybody, but didn't stop us all having a super nose around. Took many pics (180+) despite the lack of wide angle lens due to my Pentax not working in the aperture department, meant the I could only mostly take tight cropped shots so once I've gone through them all I will post them on my Flickr page and add the link here ASAP. Mrs Tuttle (in Lourdes) was disappointed to hear of no Capris and myself that there was no 80's classic Volvo 480, though the latter would've been unlikely due to so few being made. Many unusual shapes and sizes throughout the village field made the day a memorable one.
Finally..... Enjoy the Flickr uploads
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