Umbrella at the Door

Tiny reporting
Big T is with The Bossess so it’s just me (no capitals) to look after The Boss on his next adventure to Wellington to see a man about a dog. I have often wondered how that saying got started....

See a man about a dog. To see a man about a dog or horse is an English idiom, usually used as a way to apologize for one's imminent departure or absence—generally to euphemistically conceal one's true purpose, such as going to use the toilet or going to buy a drink.

OK I’m glad we got that sorted

Meanwhile we flew to Wellington with a comedian pilot who announced after a long wait for take off “that the weather conditions were a bit iffy so please leave your seat belts fastened as it would likely be rougher than a sealed road but not as much as a roller coaster”
The Boss was no doubt pleased to hear that but as it transpired it was quite OK. As we approached Wellington he came on again to admit he had lied when he said it was fine there but there was a 40 knot wind blowing which since we were all going to Wellington we would know was but a zephyr. Everyone laughed. The final entertainment was a young boy about 10 who the crew had dressed up in an adult jacket and tie with captains hat to hand lollies out before landing. For overseas followers you need to know that this is an Air New Zealand tradition ( the lollies) but the kid looked wonderful but The Boss was not prepared to take a photo. I hope his parents did...

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