Perfect Weather and a Lot of Steps!
The day started wet and gloomy after the thunderstorms the night before but then it quickly warmed up to a pleasant 25 degrees C and the sun came I headed off to Cromer...and joined the holidaymakers enjoying the sunshine.
I was taking some photos in the churchyard of Cromer Parish Church (as you do) when I had a sudden impulse to climb to the top of the tower. So, after being relieved of £2 and safely storing my bags in the church I climbed the 171 steps to the top, bursting out the tiny door and needing to lean on the rail for a few moments before I could even speak, let alone take photos!
The views up there were fabulous, being able to see in all directions for several miles. I chose the iconic view of the pier for blip. The extra is the late afternoon sun streaming through the stained glass windows in the church.
Once safely back down again I felt the need for a recuperative salted caramel ice-cream, and a sit down:)
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