Great Gratitude

Walked into town today to post a couple of things, and thrilled to discover that my "personal space cooler" had arrived, plus a book recommended by a friend, Is the Reformation Over: An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Catholicism. Tried the cooler and really pleased, it's a USB-powered little fan that evaporates water to cool the air around you. From tomorrow, temperatures will be in the mid 40's, so great timing. Mike has also put a 700 litre wine vat in the garden and filled it with water - wonderfully cooling to get into.

And the book, though academic, is highly readable, and so relevant to our situation. Blip is of top side of our main square, with the church we go to on Saturdays straight in front, and the double arch that any Mouranense would recognize, linking it to yet another church on the left.

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