The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Value For Money

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I spent most of the day doing domestic chores and taking Youngest Mini Princess to the orthodontist.

Annoying as these days are, they are oddly satisfying. The house feels like it is finally back in order after the holiday and the painting, and YMP is delighted because she was told that she will be getting her braces off on her next appointment.

The most exciting thing that happened today was that Murphy’s new bed arrived. I then fessed up to The Prince that it was quite expensive but IT IS MEMORY FOAM and don’t all dogs need that?!

I did feel slightly nervous as Murphy wouldn’t go anywhere near it for hours. The Mini Princesses and I even sat in it but he kept giving it a very wide berth. The Prince kept scoffing ‘Look, he doesn’t even like it’ but thankfully he curled up in it at bedtime and looked very comfy (that’ll be the memory foam, did I mention it had a memory foam matttress) and cute!

Money well spent!


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