Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

WEATHER: We've Got RAIN -- Woohoo!!!

6:20 a.m. Woke-up late -- ugh!

6:30 a.m. Taking photos of the sun coming

7:00 a.m. Ate crummy cold cereal

7:50 a.m. Late leaving for work

8:00 a.m. Unlocking the lab door, greeting students

Noon-time Home for lunch with Mr. Fun, who caught a surprise photo of Rosie

12:45 p.m. Taking photos of afternoon clouds

12:50 p.m. Back to the campus

3:15 p.m. RAIN, it's raining. Rosie takes photos

5:30 p.m. Time to go home -- Yes, Yes, Yes!

5:50 p.m. Made dinner with Mr. Fun

6:30 p.m. Ate dinner while watching evening news

8:00 p.m. Celebrating RAIN in Southern California and
BLIPPING -- starting my second month of blipping
and I am totally addicted

Good night to all in blipland from a lovely wet Southern California,
Rosie, aka Carol (& Mr. Fun)

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