
By bananablip


one of those days when i wish i could upload more than one photograph to blip. and nobody is here to help me choose, agony.

today i went to wiphan school to use their internet but there was no power so stacey and i took a walk instead. we dropped in on their jewellery making class where ladies were working hard on making necklaces and chewing the proverbial cud, as we would say in the uk.

the kids then took us on a walk round the nkwazi compound which was fun apart from the fact that we sweated our faces off. even though i've been up zambia nearly 3 years, it still shocks me sometimes to see how people live. the kids who showed us round shared shoes so they were walking with one battered shoe each. it's so easy to become complacent, i feel like i need to walk these streets a little more often.

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