An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Vision On...

LISTEN whilst looking ** :-p

My gallery is almost complete the 6th small frame broke so that's why there's a scent diffuser filling the gap!!

Ok so the photos are small and there's not very many and they are hanging in our WC but we've all got to start somewhere. ;-)

Can you tell it's a slow blip day? pissing rain so not going outside I've applied a little processing to try and make it more interesting.

Up at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee this morning as Alan had a routine appointment. First time there. We got parked and Alan and I headed to the Outpatient Dept while D tried to find change for the car park.

Lady at reception gave me duff directions and we ended up at the fracture clinic. Lady there gave me duff directions and we ended up at A&E. Lady there gave me duff directions so after half an hour of wandering aimlessly in a maze of corridors I gave up and found my way back to the main entrance!

D called to say he'd also been given duff directions but had eventually found the right dept but it was miles away from where Alan and I were. My old arthritic knees could take no more so D came back and met us and took Alan to his appointment and I went and sat in the car!

Dropped Alan off at school then home for a bacon roll and a much needed cup of tea.

Kitchen smells are good again today as I have made a beef curry and it is simmering away happily. It's not for tonight but not sure I'll be able to resist. D's just headed back up to Alan's school as it parent's night and Im here waiting for the boy to come in. Better go and get his potatoes on.

Back soon for a catch up.

** that should bring back memories for Blippers of a certain age :))

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